GARCÍA CÁMARA, we have more
than 80 years of experience.

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GARCÍA CÁMARA is a Spanish firm dedicated to manufacturing tube and fin heat exchangers for the refrigeration industry.
It is a company with a big experience in the foreign market, exporting 65% of our production to several countries.
We have several standard products that you can see on the web site or downloading the catalogue. We have also a free Software selection which helps to find the model that best suits your needs.

Our ranges are divided in two main groups:

· Line OEM, for manufacturers of refrigerating machines.

· Line Industrial: , for refrigeration, air-conditioning and refrigeration installations in general.

We also use our knowledge and experience to manufacture special products on request, according to the needs of our customers or specific markets.

Our catalogue


Destinados a fabricantes de maquinas frigoríficas.


Instalaciones frigoríficas, aire acondicionado y de refrigeración en general.

GarcíaCámara Selection Software

Our selector will allow you to find the evaporator or condenser that best suits your needs.


Green Commitment: Use of CO2

In sectors such as the food industry, the use of CO2 as a refrigerant – carbon dioxide, also known as R744 – with its many technological variants, represents a long-term…

Selector extension with Gascoolers PS130

In Garcia Camara we improve our product SELECTOR programme with the new range of GASCOOLERS specially designed to work with Co2 in transcritical and with working pressure up to 130…

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